This is one of my most favourite crawl programs.
I am usually get tired easy from swimming with paddles, but here the program is designed the way I can enjoy swimming and train hard without feeling pain in my shoulders.
Heads and Tails ~2500 m
Great all around technique session to really hone your form to transit into a tougher period of work.
Warm up
4 x 100 + 15 sec rest between every 100 m:
- Pull buoy B3/5/3
- Fins freestyle B5
- Pull buoy: 25 m scull + 25 freestyle
- Pull buoy: 25 m doggy paddle + 25 freestyle
Main Set
Set “ Tails”:
10x 50 m fins (focus on rotation & relaxed recovery) +10 sec as
- 25 kick on the Left side + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
- 25 kick on the Right side + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
- 25 m 6/1/6 + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
- 25 m 6/3/6 + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
- 25 broken arrow + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
Set “Heads”:
10 x 50 m pull buoy (focus on catch & propulsion) + 10 sec as
- 25 scull #1 (in front) + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
- 25 scull #12 (under the body) + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
- 25 scull #3 (hands behind) + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
- 25 fists + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
- 25 doggy paddle + 25 freestyle
- 25 fast + 25 easy freestyle
Cherry on the cake:
10 x 100 m freestyle (75% effort choice of B5s or breathing to least favorite side) + 10 sec
Cool down
100 m of your choice